Saturday, April 9, 2022


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With warmer weather here, I'm opening up my windows to let the fresh air in.  I'm awakening from my hibernation mode and getting into spring cleaning!  Studies prove that with longer daylight, our bodies produce less melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep.  This is why we have the energy to tackle more chores in the warmer months - interesting, right? 

But, have you ever wondered how or when the practice of spring cleaning began?  The actual origin is debatable:  While some believe, in the days before electricity, families burned wood or coal in their fireplaces and used hurricane lamps fueled with kerosene or whale oil throughout the winter months when windows were shut tight. so general cleaning in spring was a necessity because homes were covered in soot.  Some believe it is based on religious customs, for example, it is a Jewish custom prior to passover, for house cleaning and the Catholic Church traditionally cleans the alter and everything associated with it on Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday).  None the less, people have been spring cleaning for generations!

Unfortunately, there are many household items that get overlooked and need replacing often more than just once a year.  Below are the most used in our daily lives and are my most economical Amazon picks 

1.  Sponges - ringing out sponges after every use and tossing them in the dishwasher may be good habits but sponges need to be replaced every 2 weeks!

2. Shower pouf - according to dermatologists, you should change a pouf or loofah every three weeks, however, if they start to smell or become discolored before this time, you need to replace them right away. 

3. Toothbrush - according to the CDC, you should replace a manual toothbrush every three to four months. When the bristles are frayed and worn, they won't be as effective at cleaning away plaque. 

4. Contact lens cases - It is a good practice to get into cleaning your case after each use and to keep it open to dry while wearing your contacts. However, contact lens cases should be replaced every three months. 5. Air filters - keeping the air quality in your home is so important for your health, most air filter companies and HVAC companies recommend changing air filters every 90 days (3 months) - this is an average time and can change depending on the thickness of your filter, depending on where you live, the age of your system, if there are smokers and/or pets in the home. I made it a habit to change mine on the first day of a new season. (because air filters vary in size and thickness depending on your system, I did not add a link to purchase).

6. Toilet brush - While necessary to keep your toilet clean, they can host a lot of bacteria and residue. Plastic toilet brushes should be replaced every six months.  7. Water Bottles - Plastic needs to be replaced once a year because the plastic starts to breakdown. Glass and stainless steal have a longer shelf life, however, if there is a funky smell you cannot get rid of or if the mouthpiece accumulates gunk that you cannot get cleaned, it is time to replace them. My preference is stainless steel. Glass, just seems impractical for on the go, if dropped, it will break. Plastic -water tastes nasty in them and doesn't maintain a cool temperature. Not to mention, looking for phthalate and BPA's free ones and replacing them often will fill up landfills. 

Happy Spring and stay healthy!
Dennis DelBene
Owner, The Scented Home

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